Saudi Group For Construction Materials Co.


Fabricated Woods

There are many different kinds of fabricated woods. Generally, the most popular items that are avaiable at Saudi Group are the items listed below.

Plywood is known to be the strongest of the fabricated wood family due to its layered assembly. It may contain hardwood or softwood layers. There are a number of factors that contribute to the quality of a plywood board. There are a bunch of different types of plywood boards to choose from. They are as follows:


It comes in different thicknesses ranging from 4mm up 18mm. Although the board measurements are of standards size 244cm x 122cm, different thicknesses are available for different purposes. Different standards of plywood are available as well. We import ordinary plywood mainly from Malaysia, Indonesia and China. Ordinary Chinese plywood has 3 different sets, ordinary Chinese, HQ Chinese and HWC (Hard Wood Core) Chinese.


Veneer plywood is generally of either 4mm or 6mm thickness. It has various options of veneer surfaces, some of which are oak, mahogany, teak, and beech, pine, cherry, walnut and others. It is a one faced board. Veneer plywood is brought from a few different sources. There is Indonesian (Rilico), Indonesian and Chinese (Rilico), each with its standards.


This comes in thicknesses 3mm and 4mm. It is covered by a layer of melamine from one side with a vast range of styles and colors. They are Indonesian and Chinese (Rilico).


Décor plywood is paper overlaid plywood, with many different designs and styles. They are also imported from Indonesia and China.


Last but not least is the bendy ply. It is the only flexible wood board on earth and is exclusively imported. It can come either vertically bendable or horizontally bendable. It comes in a couple of thicknesses 6mm and 8mm.

All the above mentioned boards are usually used for carpentering and furniture purposes. One type of plywood that is used solely for construction purposes is the Shuttering Plywood.

Shuttering, also known as Filmfaced plywood, is made to serve the construction industry. It is a board fit with finolic film that is water proof. It is typically used in moldings and scaffolding. It is usually 18mm thick and could vary in the number of layers, between 9, 11 and 13. It has a very smooth painted finish, helping smoothen the surface of moldings and can be reusable. It is imported from a number of locations. We import filmfaced plywood from Finland, Brazil, Indonesia, Malaysia and China.

Other fabricated wood boards include the following:

MDF is of the smoothest fabricated wooden boards. It is a very soft and smooth board. It can come in a vast number of sizes and thicknesses. It can be 2.5mm thick up to 30mm and can have the standard size board of 244cm x 122cm or an exceptional size of 366cm x 183cm. There are several types of surfaces to choose from. MDF can have ordinary, veneer (6mm, 9mm, 12mm, 18mm), melamine (3mm to 18mm, brought from MoDécor and Al Fawzan locally or from imported from China) or paper overlaid surfaces. It can also be filmfaced and can have surfaced from all sides with the availability of edge banding. It is imported from different destinations such as Spain, Indonesia, Malaysia, China and others.


Blockboard (a.k.a. Latté) is composed of wooden rows aligned over each other and contained between two layers of plywood. Similar to plywood, the surface can be ordinary (which has 15mm, 16mm or 18mm thickness), veneer (which has 16mm or 18mm thickness) or polyester (which is 18mm thick). Veneer latté can be one faced or two faced. Polyester latté is always two faced, and could come in any color.


A chipboard is composed of small pieces of wood (referred to as chips) that are pressed together to form a wooden board comprised entirely of chips. Chipboard could be used as a core for doors which has some advantages and they are:

- Insulate sound from entering the room
- More stability and resistance to door
- Improved outcome with burn rate - Tubular core, has a combination of light weight and stability
- Faster assembly time than alternative door cores
- Very suitable for doors with delicate surfaces

Chipboard can come in different densities (33mm and 38mm) and different sizes. Different kinds of specially designed chipboards are manufactured by the German company Sauerland Spanplatte. It fabricates different types of chipboards cores for different purposes. The tubular core is one of their finest creations. It combines many targeted and preferred qualities in one board. It is made light weight, yet resistant, has a good burn rate and insulates sound. These are very significant characteristics for door cores. These cores are also very suitable for doors with a very smooth finish. Our unique boards are imported from the Sauerland factory in Germany.

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